Some little ink and brusho Silmarillion-inspired paintings

Here are some ink and Brusho paintings of Silmarillion characters that I made for Nolofinwean Week on Tumblr.  These are quite small paintings on A5 watercolour paper, so not quite as detailed as my larger acrylic paintings.

Aredhel riding fearless through the dark forest of Nan Dungortheb:

Fingon fighting off a rather goofy-looking Glaurung (a wingless dragon, of course):

Love Across the Ice:
Turgon & his wife Elenwe, who died crossing the Grinding Ice:

Survivors in the War of Wrath:
In the Halls of Mandos as the War of Wrath raged across Beleriand, Fingolfin Fingon, Angrod, Aegnor and Aredhel found this tapestry: Fingolfin’s wife Anaire in battle beside their cousin Galadriel. Now they can’t decide whether to cheer or bite their imaginary spirit-nails. There were not so many Noldor who survived Beleriand, and yet they sent a host to the War of Wrath: I believe that host was largely made up of the women who did not follow Feanor and Fingolfin.

Eärendil’s Star:
Elros’s father, guiding Elros’s ship, with an Eagle figurehead, towards the Land of Gift, Numenor.