
This website  belongs to me as an individual, not a business or an organisation.

If you email me then I’ll have your email address, and anything you put in your email. Which is kind of the point really. 😀

I have Google Analytics installed now, so I can see a report that says something like which pages someone looked at, sometimes where they came from, and a report that shows where they came from (that report is sometimes way off though, for ages it said I was in Germany, and I’m not! But I look at it anyway occasionally and pretend the data is all correct…)

I do now have a mailing list! It’s with Mailchimp, who will keep your contact details private. If you’d like me to email you when I add new stuff, please add yourself to the list. I won’t hand on your details, and it’s very unlikely I shall be organised enough to email you more than once a week. And you can always take yourself off the list if you want, of course.