My Writing

I write stories, for fun and for free, set around the characters and worlds of JRR Tolkien, Rosemary Sutcliff, and general Arthuriana, including the BBC Merlin TV series. I may in future venture into other worlds.

You can find all my fanfic here on Archiveofourown.  You are very welcome to read, download or tell me what you think of these stories!

So far, the writing that I’m proudest of is:

Rexque Futurus: a shorter novel about the return of King Arthur as the Once and Future King to modern Britain, inspired partially by the ending of the BBC Merlin TV series.

Sea Longing: “It was often said (in other families) that long ago one of the Took ancestors must have taken a fairy wife. That was, of course, absurd*, but…”
– The Hobbit, Ch 1, An Unexpected Party
* But what if?

Return to Aman : 15 short stories set after the end of Lord of the Rings, centering around Elrond and his foster-father Maglor.

Quenta Narquelion : A novel-length dramatic retelling of the events of Tolkien’s Silmarillion, from the point of view of Ghost Fëanor.

Coming to the Valley : the creation of the Rings of Power from Elrond’s point of view, and an account of the foundation of Rivendell, and the sequel, Cornflowers in Belfalas in which Elrond meets his wife.

Death comes to Noviomagus Reginorum : a political mystery / novella set in Roman Chichester, with a very elderly Cottia from Eagle of the Ninth.

With a Strange Majesty : a brief account of the Arthurian battle of Badon Hill, from the point of view of Aquila, from Sutcliff’s The Lantern Bearers.