Daughters of the Rivers


I painted this set of four small images for the Tavistock Group of Artists exhibition, which takes place 18th-22nd June in Tavistock Town Hall. Opening hours are 10am to 6pm.   Each of these is 10 inches by 7 inches.

Lynher is standing on one of the many quays on the river that were used to launch craft for the D-day landings: she is remembering the military history of the place, as shown by her armlet of rusty chainmail.
Tamar with a seal: the background the Tamar Bridge
Tamar is eating an apple: perhaps the variety ‘Tamar Beauty’ and she is accompanied by one of the grey seals that visit the Tamar and sometimes travel up stream as far as Gunnislake.
River Tavy before the Tavistock bridge
Tavy : her feet sparkle on the water, because she is a river with energy to spare, and her own hydro-electric plant! She is wearing a hat she might have bought in Tavistock Pannier Market.
Walkham is a playful young river who dances over the stones, but never really grows up, because she flows into the river Tavy, which in turn flows into Big Mama Tamar.