Pastel, Pencil & Pen drawings: Ents & Elves!

I joined in with the 2018 Tolkien Reverse Fandom Bang, which is an online event where artists make art and then writers write stories to go with them.   As a change from acrylic paintings, these all use pastel and pencil, with a little pen and ink here and there.  You can find the stories (and many others!) in the collection here.

Fingolfin’s Regrets:

The Wedding of Hador & Gildis (with Fingolfin & his sister Lalwen). 

Fimbrethil & Fangorn : young Ent & Entmaiden.  (Fangorn is of course the Ent also known as Treebeard.  He has no beard in this image yet!). 

And a later image from the same story, where Fimbrethil the Entwife meets some hobbits.